Ana Prazeres

Ana Prazeres


After years of searching for both the right instrument and the means to afford it, I finally found a beautiful bass clarinet and thanks to SEM, I can now call it my own. In order to make a living from music, it’s important to be flexible and versatile. As a clarinetist, this means being able to work with any instrument of the family – not only the usual B-flat and A clarinets, but to also be able to play E-flat and bass clarinet as well. To purchase all these instruments is a financial challenge.

During my studies, with the help of several foundations, I was able to buy a new set of B-flat and A clarinets and also an e-flat clarinet. For some reason, the bass clarinet and I were not well acquainted until after I graduated. I was once asked to play bass clarinet in a project and decided to accept the challenge. In the past years, I discovered this instrument feels much closer to my persona then I had originally thought. Somehow, I have managed to borrow an instrument here and there and play a lot of projects on the bass clarinet chair. It’s one thing to be able to play an instrument, but to truly master it, it’s important to build a relationship with it. It is therefore indispensable to have an instrument of our own.

What a joy to finally be able to embark on this adventure with my new bass clarinet!